Monday, November 3, 2008


In our corner of the world we sometimes forget how precious the resource of fresh water is because of how much "liquid sunshine" we receive.  Yet, it is finite even here.  The aquifer that most of us get our water from in this fine city of Abbotsford recharges at a certain rate.  If we extract from it faster than it can recharge then we will experience water shortages.  Streams that we procure water from are essentially the same, if we take too much it stops being able to provide the natural functions that it once did such as salmon spawning.
Obviously our conservation efforts here will not directly effect those people around the world who need access to fresh water so desperately.  By turning off the tap the water is not then available to someone in Africa or South Asia.  However, a shift in our thinking about the resource will have an effect on our actions beyond merely conservation here.  It will hopefully effect our political choices, where we invest our money and how we interact with people we come in contact with.  Each of these can and will indirectly shape the world we live-in beyond our individual reach.
This type of thinking is obviously not just related to water usage or even social justice issues but also to our spiritual life.  This is the basis of the second commandment that seems to be the overarching theme for our home group. 
We spoke of different ways we could get involved personally and places that we could direct others who want to get involved.  Below are some organizations that have water purification and access as a priority.

The World Health Organization is probably the number one expert when it comes to needs related to access to clean water though they can sometimes seem over whelming in the size and scope of their projects.  

These folks specialize in providing clean water in Africa.  Some of their earliest projects were considered failures by some critics but as they have grown they have been having really positive results.... I really like the section on why to give up bottled water!  "We live in the developed world where water from our tap is more strictly regulated for safety and purity than commercially bottled water."

My good friends Tim and Bethany work in the ozarks of the Philippines providing water filters to isolated communities (beth also is a midwife).

A well established non-profit that focuses on providing for the needs of children all over the world.  There are many different ways that they provide for basic needs and education one of them being the provision of water and sanitation. 

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Hey, thanks for the plug!