Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fashioning Justice

This week we discussed the fashion industry.

Carmen (being well versed in the particular field) started us off with insight into more ecologically friendly textiles but the conversation quickly turned into a discussion of our social responsibility as Christian's.  Very simply put this is to act in ways that would follow the precepts that Jesus laid out, namely loving our neighbours as ourselves.  We also concluded that by acting compassionately toward the least of these we would be in-turn ministering to God and thus fulfilling the first commandment.  What this should look like in our daily actions and in our personal world-views appears highly complex and varied.  Below will be some ideas, examples and links to other relevant information about ecologically and socially responsibility that Christian's (or anyone for that matter) should consider when buying clothing.

Slightly ironic that a magazine promoting non-advertising advertises these shoes.... however the social, economic and ecological responsibility of these shoes is real.

Perhaps creating major industry in Africa is not the best environmental policy but edun is socially responsible with high standards in their production facilities... and they do promote a  seed to finished product type structure which cuts incredibly into the negatives of shipping raw materials with out added value.

they have bought into the idea of high standards in clothing production with fair wages and good working conditions and they even have a large organic clothing section... however I highly detest how much they use sex to sell their clothing.

In many ways europe is leaps and bounds ahead of us in environmental and socially responsible clothing production... they are also leaps and bounds ahead in price....

anyway just go to your local thrift store.... it is cheaper, just as cool and is super ecofriendly...